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Our Commitment

At Chiesi, social obligation isn’t just a buzzword; it is a mission statement. We support various organisations, and our employees are involved in diverse social and community projects.


For example, our colleagues helped to renovate, paint and refurbish the schoolyard by installing seating at Geschwister-Scholl Comprehensive School in Lurup, Hamburg, between 2008 and 2010. They also helped out at the Bornheide community centre in Hamburg in 2013. Our employees were given the day off to assist in the expanding of the community centre. “It’s great to really be able to do something and not just help out by donating money,” says Maria Rülke, Corporate Affairs Assistant at Chiesi GmbH.

What’s more, employee participation in the HSH-Nordbank run in Hamburg is now a tradition. Many of our employees have been taking part in the run for several years and in so doing offering their support to the “Kinder helfen Kindern” (“Children Help Children”) organisation.

Chiesi feels closely connected to the people of the hanseatic city due to our special location in the heart of the city. Therefore, we wish to contribute to a healthy life. As experts of respiratory diseases, we know how important prevention is. This is why we started the campaign “Hamburg atmet auf (Hamburg breathes deeply)” in 2019. Together with Ethos gGmbH we want to convey the importance of early health care for respiratory diseases.

Since 2011 Ethos gGmbH has been operatering the LufuMobil, a remodeled camper, that is equipped with pulmonary function meters. Chiesi and Ethos gGmbH will bring the LufuMobil to the streets of Hamburg to give as many people as possible the chance of appropriate preventive measures. The results of all pulmonary function measurements will be included in a long-term scientific study. All recorded information is completely anonymous and as such treated with discretion. The study, conducted by Ethos gGmbH, aims to showcase the frequency of unrecognized respiratory conditions.

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Chiesi also supports patient organisations. You can find a list of these here. 


Patient organisations