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Guide COPD

COPD is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that affects approximately five to ten percent of adults over the age of 40 in Germany.

The generic term chronic obstructive pulmonary disease covers a number of diseases of the lungs. They include chronic bronchitis, a very common disease defined as "cough and sputum on most days for at least three months in two consecutive years" (World Health Organization (WHO).

Chronic bronchitis often progresses to chronic obstructive bronchitis, which in a large number of cases is associated with emphysema, an overinflation of the lungs.

Whether you suffer from COPD yourself or have a family member, our website copd-alltag.de tells you how you can make everyday life easier.

Our facts offer you guidance, and our recommendations and advice make it easier for you to find a good way for yourself to cope with the disease.